Monday, January 23, 2012

Spirit Fire

       "Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven
         and filled the whole house . . . they saw what seemed to be tongues of
         fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were
         filled with the Holy Spirit."                      -Acts 2:3-4

He tells them just before He ascends the sky. . ."wait for the gift."  (Acts1:4 NIV)

"My Father has promised. . .in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit."

The gift.  The Promise.  The Spirit.

He filled the room with His mighty rush of wind.  As disciples gasp and breathe in the breath of God.  These fish followers made God followers hear the Spirit move around and through and within.  Then they see holy fire descend . . . upon them.

Tongues of fire!  Brilliant orange, yellow, white ever moving glow of fire.
The fire of God's presence coming down to rest on the believer.
The fire of His perfect purity. . . refining, surging, dwelling here and now.

"Our God is a consuming fire. . ."   Hebrews 12:29
Never contained, fear and awe provoking, yet choosing to be God with us, God in us.  The fire of His presence resting on the heart of man.  Holy made holdable.  But resting for a moment and only to be used to spread the Word.  To share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  To tell the world what our God has done - He has come, He took on flesh, He lived and loved and taught and healed and died to reconcile sinners to Himself, He rose, He lives, and He wants all to know.

Flaming tongues tell the story. 

Muslim, Jew, Egyptian, Chinese, Arab ears hear and turn amazed.  Thousands listen to the fiery Peter.  The flaming message touches hearts and hundreds choose to follow.

So what happend along the years?  Have we forgotten the amazing power of God?  Do we not realize or believe that the Spirit of the living God can live inside of us?  Or have we become deadened by idolatry of self and culture to even feel His presence?

May the fire of His Spirit burn inside our hearts to tell the world His story . . . our salvation.

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