Sunday, January 22, 2012

Spirit Wind

      "Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven
       and filled the whole house . . . they saw what seemed to be tongues of
       fire that separated and came to rest on each of them.  All of them were
       filled with the Holy Spirit."                                    -Acts 2:3-4

Wind. . .
Fire. . .
The filling. . .

Isn't it amazing how God reveals Himself to us. . . how He shows us His character and nature?
How indescribable the wind?  A torrent of the rushing breath of God. . .
Swirling, filling, stirring, touching. . .
Ever moving in itself and ever moving souls toward Him. . .
Reminiscent of Adam's first life breath, or the Red Sea water walls made only by the wind, or Elijah's mountaintop with God.

He was there - the Spirit - the Holy Spirit of God. . . from the beginning when "the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters."  (Gen. 1:2)

As flood waters fall back by a mighty wind, as the Spirit fills the hearts of kings, and words of prophets.  The Spirit has always been.  Watching, working, moving.

But now comes His time, His work, His mighty indwelling - Pentecost.

When God gives the ultimate gift, the gift of His very presence, God with us, not only in flesh. . . deeper. . . God with us in our very soul

Flesh touches, hugs, heals, hurts, and hangs on wooden cross.  Redemptive work.

Oh, but Spirit indwells. . . with power and peace, might and meekness, holiness and humility.  Sacred work.

God in us.

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