Thursday, March 3, 2011

Birthday Blessings

Today was my sweet boy's birthday!  We snuggled close and looked over baby pictures of when he was born and his baby years.  We had birthday cake picnics inside and his favorite pizza for dinner.  We even woke this morning to his sister singing Happy Birthday to him.  As we reflected on his life and his love I came across a few words I had written about my love for my son. . .

How can I resist sundown rings of hair or mahogany eyes that twinkle with love and mischief.  Sweet smiles and butter soft hands that wrap me up in love.  What a joy!  What a gift!  This darling boy who loves his mommy so and never wants to grow up so he will have to leave his family.  This little one who wants to build a house right beside us when he is older so we never have to be apart.  There is only this moment in his mind right now - only rockets to fly, and gray kittens to squeeze, and sisters to kiss or hit.  What a beauty childhood is - pure freedom, pure thought, pure love!  Thank you Father for the wonderful gift of my son, for all his mountains and valleys, joys and fears, loves and labors.

Happy Birthday Sweet Boy!

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