Sunday, January 9, 2011


Someone once said, "love is not a feeling, it's a choice."

Do I choose to love?
Even when it's hard.

Even when the little one comes crying into the bedroom during dark night hours.
Even when curly headed boys complain ALL DAY long and throws tantrums to get his way.
Even when the baby pulls hair and bites hard. 

Do I choose to love?

Am I "bearing all things" with patience, kindness, and understanding?

We are tested in the heat of the moment.
The fire of life refines or burns

Do I look at those blessed gifts and treat them with gentleness or harsh, angry frustration?
Does self-preservation rise or do I nurture their sweet spirits?

Do I choose to love?  The Savoir did.

Even when He looked down from heaven's heights and saw brothers killing brothers.
Even when lying words and slanderous whispers filled the air.
Even when abandoned children and crying widows filled shadowed streets.
Even then. . .He loved. And left. 
To come to us.  And show us His love.

So with outstretched arms, in breathless embrace, He laid down His love, and laid down His life, for us.
For the rebellious, complaining, sin-clothed children.
He loved even then.

So my words are mute.  My cries are silenced by the greatest love of all.

Let me not focus on the wrongs, but on the love.
And may my life be the tiniest reflection of that grace filled, peace robed love.
May I choose to love.

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