Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Winter frost creeps up the windowpanes with icy fingers, trying to break in to the warm, grace-filled home.
The cold can cut straight through to the bone if you let it.
The hardness of winter  - frozen solid ponds, ice crystals stinging rosy cheeks, icicles hanging from brittle roof.
Winter is hard.  Winter is cold.

So, when did I let winter enter my heart?

I remember as a teenager walking along the streets of Philadelphia and seeing my first homeless man.  How my heart ached!  How I wanted to help him up off the steaming sewer grate and take him someplace warm and give him warm clothes and a little money or food.  Do something - not just watch in shock. 

I was confused when I reached for my wallet why my parents put their arms around me, as if to protect me, and whispered "Don't look at him. . . "  Then we continued our walk to the Liberty Bell as if nothing happened, as if no one were there, as if we didn't care. 

Yet the man remained alone, no one willing to stop, no one willing to take five minutes out of their day to ask about his, no one willing to care.

Not even me.  A girl who claimed to love the Savior who gave up His life to die for the hurting, sinning humanity of us all.  A girl who said she wanted to be like Christ.  The same Christ who shunned the rich, religious ones and ate with the prostitutes, thieving tax collectors, and sea worn fishermen.

I did nothing.

And that is when it began.  The winter crept into my soul, and I didn't even know it.

I learned that it is much easier to look the other way than to bend down and speak.  I learned there are schedules to keep and things to do, so we must occupy our time with those important things of life.

I learned apathy.

The wonderful thing about our Lord is that He made four seasons, and the winter does not last forever.
Spring comes.  Spring melts.  Spring brings new life.

So the cold, hard bitter winds that had me so bound unto myself are now gone.
But not all at once, the thaw comes slowly. 

When I choose to give or love or care another icicle falls, another window clears and I can see the hurting world out there.   The ones who maybe just need a listening ear, or some groceries, or some money to pay the heating bill.

I pray this cold heart will thaw quickly, so that I can see and help those in need and more importantly tell them about a man I know. 
A man who loves to sit quietly with the poor of this world. 
A man who loves to laugh and break bread with thieves and liars. 
A man who loves to forgive.
A man who loves to save - Jesus.

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