The season of life for me right now is most definitely summer. Summertime brings with it feelings of bright busyness, warm sunshine, smiling running days and relaxing reading days. Summer is a time of full life, nature still growing green, fruits ripening, springtime youth maturing into completeness.
I can see summer in the anthills around our yard. Their homes are teeming with life, always coming and going, little creatures giving their efforts to collect nourishment. I see summer in the ripening berries on the vine, full and red, ready to be picked and tasted. . .like life. . .tasting the sweetness of summer. Healthy, strong, good, happy summer.
These summer days are so full. I pray that in all the busyness of living through this summertime I will take time to reflect on the beauty of it all. . . the wonderful chances I have to spend with my children, the joy I take in watching them grow and mature, as I grow and mature as well, in the Lord.
May our summer days be spent well in tending and nurturing the gardens of tender hearts that have been entrusted to our care. May our moments be lived well with joy and gratitude. May the warm sunshine carry over into sharing the warm love of Christ.
"You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands." Isaiah 55:12 (NIV)
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