Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Altar Living

Throughout the Bible, we see great men of God stopping their lives to worship.  When Abraham reaches Canaan, as Noah steps once again on dry earth, Jacob, Elijah. . . altar builders.   Men who saw the great and mighty hand of God in their lives and stopped everything to build a memorial to Him for His mighty acts and faithful guidance.

There were two types of altars in Old Testament times - altars for burnt offering and altars of incense.  Most often, the patriarchs would build altars of rock and soil to offer up a burnt sacrifice to thank God for His work in their lives.  I love how the sacrifice points so perfectly to the Savior.  Only the best of the flock, 'without spot or blemish,' perfect lamb to present before a holy God to cover the sins of the people.  But our sacrifice has been made on the altar of the wooden cross and Jesus' blood was shed to take away the sins of the world.  Thank you Lord!

The altar of incense was covered in pure gold and burned before the curtain of the Holy of Holies.  The unique blend of spices and fragrances was only to be used in the tabernacle, never copied or used personally in one's home.  This incense was to be burned every morning and at sundown daily - a symbol of prayer going before our Lord as a 'sweet smelling aroma.'

On the altar of my heart, where I worship the Most High God, the Holy One. . . are my prayers a sweet fragrance or is the stench of sin rotting in my heart-altar?  Am I offering up a beautiful aroma morning and evening - the quiet times of day, when He is most near?  May I know Him and worship Him more with every passing moment.

So now I look around. . . at my heart and our home.
I look at our padded couches and comfortable beds.
We have on display family pictures and framed art.
What in our home points to worship?
He has done mighty works in our lives.  He has redeemed us.
Where in our home can we set up a memorial for our Lord?

Our goal this week as a family is to establish a peaceful place where we can go to worship. . . 
A place of memorial where we can display the marvelous things He has done for us. . . 
A place of quiet rest. . . 
A place to offer the sacrifice of our time, our hopes, our very lives.

Altar living.   Daily sacrifice.   Offered freely.   All to Him.

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